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Pasokan Materai di Seluruh Lampung Bakal Langka??

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Bandarlampung, -, Stamp supplies throughout Lampung will be scarce. The reason is, the Pahoman Post Office on Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan lost one sack of stamps worth Rp. 1.5 billion, Thursday (2/6/2022).

It is suspected that this will be a shortage of stamps that should be distributed to post offices throughout Lampung.

Following up on what steps will be taken by the Pahoman Post Office after the stamp duty of 150 thousand pieces has disappeared.

The Pahoman Post Office, when confirmed via telephone at 0811-273X-XXX, was reluctant to respond.

“Sorry, the problem has been handled by the police,” he answered as he hung up the phone.

Diberitakan sebelumnya,  Kantor Pos Pahoman Jalan KH Ahmad Dahlan kehilangan materai sebanyak satu karung senilai Rp.1.5 Miliar. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam laporan yang diterima Polresta Bandarlampung dengan nomor LP/B/1177/V/2022/SPKT/Polresta Bandarlampung/Polda Lampung, pada tanggal 31 Mei 2022 sekitar pukul 15.21 WIB.

Kasatreskrim Polresta Bandarlampung, Kompol Devi Sujana, menyebutkan peristiwa terjadi pukul 10.30 WIB. Truk yang biasanya mengantar logistik berisikan banyak materai ketika itu melakukan bongkar muat di kantor pos.

“Dan, diketahui terdapat satu karung berisi materai senilai Rp1,5 miliar hilang,” jelasnya, Kamis (2/6/2022).

Mirisnya, dugaan kehilangan materai senilai Rp1.5 M ini baru dilaporkan setelah 20 hari kemudian.

“It is not yet known why the post office recently reported the incident to the Bandarlampung Police 20 days later,” he concluded. (*)

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