Bandarlampung- Lampung High Prosecutor’s Office (Kejati) special crime investigators, as soon as possible will summon 44 members of the Tanggamus Regency DPRD for examination regarding the alleged inflated official travel expenses.
The 44 people’s representatives were summoned to be examined in relation to alleged mark-up on official travel at the Secretariat of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) of Tanggamus Regency in 2021.
“Secepatnya akan kami panggil. Setelah acara HUT,” kata Kasi Penkum Kejati Lampung, I Made Agus Putra di Bandarlampung, Selasa.
Sebelumnya, Penyidik tindak pidana khusus Kejaksaan Tinggi (Kejati) Lampung menemukan adanya dugaan penggelembungan biaya perjalanan dinas pada Sekretariat Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kabupaten Tanggamus tahun 2021.
Mark up perjalanan dinas tersebut terjadi pada penggelembungan biaya penginapan terhadap empat pimpinan DPRD dan 44 anggota DPRD di hotel yang ada di Lampung dan luar Lampung.
tujuan perjalanan dinas luar kota dan dalam kota di antaranya adalah pada enam hotel di Kota Bandarlampung, dua hotel di Jakarta, dan tujuh hotel di Sumatera Selatan.
The results of the investigation which started in January 2023, there are three modes that were carried out by the representatives of the people.
Among them is the inflating the cost of hotel rooms in the area that already have bills attached to the SPJ (official travel documents), but are higher than the actual room rates in the hotel.
There is also a fictitious hotel bill at SPJ because the guest name attached has never stayed based on the data on each hotel’s computer.