Bandarlampung, – Considered not having good faith, PT Bukit Asam Tbk’s port unit (Peltar) was again summoned by the lawyers for 7 heirs who claimed to own an area of ​​35 thousand square meters in the area of ​​the state-owned company.
Fajar Arifin, SH, attorney for the 7 heirs said that his party sent a second subpoena No. 01/B/Sok/FAA/VI/2022 to knock and “wake up” the company so that it would give land compensation to those entitled to receive it. That is the heir.
“Because the subpoena we sent last Tuesday (31/5/22) was not responded to, we sent this second summons. We are still opening a dialogue settlement,” said the man nicknamed the standby lawyer after submitting the second subpoena to PT BA Pelter unit, Monday (6/6/22).
Dia mengatakan bahwa (alm) Muhammad Zen (ayah para ahli waris) mendapatkan lahan tersebut dari M.Nur, sang mertua.
“PT BA unit Pelter ini sudah menguasai lahan klien kami lebih dari 40 tahun. Sampai sekarang, pemilik lahan tidak pernah mendapatkan ganti rugi. Para ahli waris ini berusaha memperjuangkan hak mereka loh, mereka ini bukan asal ngaku-ngaku, mereka punya bukti kepemilikan,” kata mantan jurnalis grup jawapos itu.
Terkait hal ini, meski menerima surat somasi kedua dari pengacara, bagian umum PT BA Pelter, Hamdani menyatakan No Comment.
Untuk diketahui, somasi kedua dikirimkan ke Kantor PT. Bukit Asam Tbk Unit Pelter, Bandarlampung tadi siang.
Surat diterima oleh Hamdani, bagian umum dan Yuliarmansyah, bagian Humas salah satu BUMN kebanggaan bangsa itu.
Sebelumnya diberitakan, PT Bukit Asam (BA) Tbk Unit Pelabuhan Tarahan disomasi oleh pengacara 7 orang ahli waris terkait permasalahan lahan seluas 35 ribu meter persegi di bilangan Kampung Sukamaju (serampok).
Ini diketahui setelah salah satu perusahaan BUMN itu disomasi oleh fajar Arifin, S.H selaku kuasa hukum 7 orang ahli waris yang disebut jadi pemilik lahan pada hari ini, Selasa (31/5/22) sekitar pukul 10.40 WIB.
Dalam surat somasi bernomor 8/B/Som/FAA/V/2022 tertanggal 31 Mei 2022 tu disebutkan bahwa sejak 42 tahun yang lalu, pemilik lahan tidak mendapatkan ganti rugi dari PT BA Tbk Unit Peltar, meski lahan tersebut dikuasai oleh perusahaan plat merah itu
“Before this subpoena was sent, my client had sent a letter to PT BA asking for compensation for the land tenure, but unfortunately there was no response,” said the lawyer who is a member of the Indonesian Advocates Association (PAI), Tuesday (31/5/22). ).
The advocate nicknamed the standby lawyer said that his party asked PT BA to pay compensation worth more than Rp132 billion.
“They (PT BA Pelabuhan Tarahan) have controlled the land for 42 years, the family and their heirs cannot use the land. Besides, before PT BA controlled the land, there were productive crops such as coconut, bananas and other plants. So “Obviously this is detrimental to our clients,” he explained. (Hel)