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Bank Lampung Serahkan Hadiah Grand Prize Undian Tabungan Lokal Bank Lampung Tahun 2023

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Bandarlampung — Main Director of Bank Lampung Presley Hutabarat accompanied by Business Director Ahmad Jahri handed over the grand prize Mitsubishi Expander to the Bank Lampung local savings lottery in 2023, to Rudianto, a customer of Bank Lampung KCP Kartini, Wednesday (2/8/2023).

Rudianto (53) was recorded before 2010 as a customer of Bank Lampung KCP Kartini. This was the first prize for the Physics Teacher at SMAN 1 Jati Agung, South Lampung from Bank Lampung and immediately won the grand prize.

“I was first notified on July 26, 2023 yesterday, but I still don’t believe it because I’m worried about fraud. It was only after 3 Bank Lampung Kartini employees came that I believed it,” said Rudianto, telling that when he first found out he had received a car prize from Bank Lampung.

Saat disinggung jumlah saldo yang dimiliki, Rudianto sehingga bisa mendapatkan hadiah grand prize, ia mengungkapkan jumlah salso rekeningnya masih dibawah angka Rp100 juta.

Rencananya Rudianto akan membuat kejutan bagi rekan – rekannya di SMAN 1 Jati Agung yang hingga hari ini belum mengetahui kalau ia mendapatkan hadiah undian grand prize dari Bank Lampung. Mobil itu nantinya akan ia bawa ke sekolah tempatnya mengajar, diharapkan ini akan memacu semangat guru – guru yang ada disana untuk terus menambah tabungannya di Bank Lampung.

Sementara itu, Direktur Utama Bank Lampung Presley Hutabarat menyampaikan ucapan selamat kepada Rudianto yang telah meraih hadiah grand prize. Ia berharap dengan hadiah ini membuatnya makin mencintai Bank Lampung dan menambah jumlah saldo tabungan yang dimiliki nya

How about the lottery for Bank Lampung’s local savings for the next period? According to Presley Hutabarat, this raffle is Bank Lampung’s appreciation for Simpeda and L-Save savings customers. Where the prize will be given, of course, really depends on the amount of the customer’s savings.

“If indeed there is an increase in the amount of savings then the prizes will also be increased from this year’s,” he said.

As is well known, on July 18, 2023, at Bank Lampung’s head office, a lottery was held for Bank Lampung’s local savings in 2023 with a total prize of 800 million which was intended for 257 winners.

Apart from the grand prize, other prizes have also been handed over to the winners by Bank Lampung at their respective branch offices. (*)

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